Aug 6, 2008

Bad Blogger

Hi. Remember me? Yeah. I know. I suck as a blogger. But I have half of a really good excuse as to why I've been gone for so long. I took a really awesome 2 week vacation at the beginning of July. The first week was a cruise with my whole family. The second? A much needed "staycation" at my humble abode in Baltimore. I came back with a ton of stuff to blog about. And then? Nothing.

Those of you who know me know I'm an expert procrastinator. Add a heapin' side of lazy and there ya go. Plus,after I went back to work, all that vacation rejuvenation went right out the window.

Anyway. My point is I'm back and I'm blogging. Stop by whenever you get a chance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm familiar with the staycation, in fact I had one of those my own damn-self this year. But as for being a bad blogger, pshaa, I didn't blog for the better part of 3 years, therefore, I win.